In this post you will find the 27 best quotes by José Pepe Mujica that will definitely make you rethink your life and want to change the way you live it.

The former president, leader and benchmark of Uruguay, Pepe Mujica is undoubtedly different from the others. He assumed the Presidency of the State at the age of 76. He managed to reduce the unemployment rate, increase income and reduce poverty with tolerance, humility and a new vision.

His tenure was also accompanied by controversial decisions, such as the legalization of marijuana use under state supervision.

Mujica has always been a model of struggle, because despite the fact that he participated in the guerrillas, received bullets, his two escapes and 15 years in prison, he has not stopped giving everything to the country.

For all that we bring the best 27 encouraging phrases from Pepe Mujica that everyone should know:

Pepe phrases that will drive you to live better

  1. The life of a parasite is not worthy, but neither can you live anything other than to work. As simple as that.
  2. Politics is not a hobby, it is not a profession to make a living from it, it is a passion with the dream of trying to build a better social future; those who like money, far from politics
  3. We have to get together because of the fright, to do something in the world that is coming to us.
  4. I carry a gigantic social debt and the need to defend the Amazon, the seas, our great rivers of America.
  5. To be free is to spend the greatest amount of time in our life in what we like to do.
  6. Power does not change people, it only reveals who they really are.
  7. The globalized economy has no other driving force than the private interest of a very few.
  8. He always dreams of finishing the accounts, until one day the heart stops and goodbye.
  9. It is worth living with intensity, and you can fall one, two, three, twenty times, but remember that you can get up and start over.
  10. Defeated are those who stop fighting, dead are those who do not fight to live.
  11. I feel anger, I get hot, I say nonsense, but I cannot cultivate hatred (…). You have to respect, especially when it hurts the most.
  12. I am not poor, I am sober, light luggage, live with just enough so that things do not steal my freedom.
  13. Modern man is always in a hurry, because if the economy does not grow it is a tragedy.
  14. We were born only to consume and consume and when we cannot, we carry frustration, poverty and even self-marginalization and self-exclusion.
  15. Gay marriage is older than the world. We had Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great. They say it’s modern and it’s older than all of us. It is an objective reality. Exists. Not to legalize it would be to torture people uselessly.
  16. Living better is not just having more, but being happier.
  17. Europe has an economic crisis that is also political. It has unleashed a number of events that is ruling them. It is the events that govern men and not men that govern events
  18. We raze the jungles, the real jungles and we implant anonymous concrete jungles
  19. The impossible costs a little more, and defeated are only those who lower their arms and surrender.
  20. It’s hard to understand why so much time was wasted.
  21. We occupy the temple with the god Mercado, he organizes our economy, politics, habits, life and even finances the appearance of happiness in card installments.
  22. We squander two billion dollars a minute on the military budget worldwide. To say that there is no money is not to be ashamed
  23. I do not want you to agree, I ask you to think, nothing more.
  24. I am very happy with today, it has overwhelmed me the day after tomorrow.
  25. The average little man sometimes dreams of vacations and freedom.
  26. The war will continue until nature calls us and makes our civilization inevitable.
  27. Our world needs fewer global organizations, which serve hotel chains more, and more humanity and science

We hope that regardless of your political orientation, or if you like Pepe Mujica or not, you will see the power of these phrases and can achieve a change in your life.

Tell us what you think about them in the comment box below. Can you think of any others?